The Mists Of Time…

A stroll in the woods at dusk, mist clinging to the tree limbs, sound muffled by its intensity. Momentary solitude promoting a deeper thought process, flitting through different moments sign…

Moments In Time

I am sure we all experience moments in time you hope to continue ad infinitum We want to constantly revel in that or those moments of life that mean so…

Indie Publishing Services

We offer a range of editorial, design, marketing, and translation services to authors and students publishing independently. Independent authors and students can choose from the list of services the services…


Glimpses of the past drawn from images, thoughts, smells and tastes….triggers that bring memories and feelings of situations gone by. Do some of us truly also have glimpses of what…

Comfortably Numb

As winter shows its face and World politics shows its ass, we ready ourselves for a period of self indulgence Many will have to duck and dive to make it…

Field Of Vision

Having been 28 twice I now feel well qualified in telling it how it is. Age and experience lend weight to my comments… well in my head anyways lol Observations…

Tis The Season

For trees to lay themselves bareSkies to swirl with dirty rain clouds Tis the season For windows to fog as the temperature changesTo see the wild Geese fleeing the scene…