Sexy Moolah Blueprint

Fancy being a hooker then?

Are you looking to make money with a side hustle?

Sure you are and here I am going to cover the main blueprint, the method many gurus will sell as a high-ticket course.

Actually, these methods haven’t changed that much over the 3 decades or more I have been involved in the making money online scene.

Setting out, be aware that there are numerous jargon labels for the nuts and bolts of what you need to do, so I will try and:

a) explain exactly what these are
b) show that the labels don’t matter, it’s the process that DOES!

OK, so, you are either a person looking to make some extra money online or have a business service or product you want to promote.

Knowing where to start can be a chicken and egg conundrum, though I would hasten to say don’t listen to the “gurus” and shiny object blurbs that say “You do not need a website, You don’t need email, You don’t need….”

Just Push This Button and in 3 Clicks You Will Make Money!

We, well I, have a word for this…


Being successful in any online venture and at any level means you do need a website, a branded email service (no, not gmail or yahoo etc) and at the outset one or to social media platform accounts.

Dont get depressed about the investment needed for the latter, setting up websites or even a basic blog doesn’t have to be mega money and usually will come with a free email option to get you started. Also social media accounts are free to set up apart from your investment of time….but worth it.

BTW, if you need any help with websites/blogs/social accounts etc.,:


The main aim of the game is to get eyeballs on your product/offer/service, and these eyeballs (visitors to your offer are often called “traffic”) are hopefully people who are already “warm” to the idea of buying or enquiring about your offer. They have what is called “buyer intent”.

So, how do we find this traffic with buyer intent?

Good question, glad you asked.

To encourage people (also known as “leads”) to view your offer you need to do some marketing. Now that sounds expensive but actually, in your early stages, does not have to be.

You need to look at creating a “lead magnet”, so something that will attract your potential customers to your offer.

Things like:

Discount Codes
Free Stuff (Free consultation, free bag of goodies added to the order…etc)
Free eBook download
BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free)

Getting the idea?

Now you have something to attract people you would like to sell to or work with, you need to deliver, but the secret is to first capture their email…because, and it’s a cliche but still a valuable truth, “The Money Is In The List”.

No matter what you are putting out there and no matter what level of business you intend to be or already are, you need to grab people’s emails.

So, you put the offer in front of people, via a blog post or a social media post let’s say. They like the look of it, which means they are a “warm lead” and click to get it….

What happens now?

Well, to do things right you need to have created what are called “lead capture pages” or “squeeze pages”. You will have encountered them yourself a million times. Click the button and you go to a web page that asks you to input your email to get your freebie download or to be emailed your “special discount code”, yes?

Something like this:

Now, through the magic of technology, you are collecting the email of a person who is already interested in your niche. Plus, done correctly they will then be redirected to a Thank You Page (and again I know you have all seen them), where they can download the free ebook or discount code or whatever.

Oh, and for all you affiliate peeps out there, this is BEST PRACTICE for sending people to your affiliate links — DO NOT send people directly to the affiliate link as it can lead to spamming to the vendor’s offer (they aren’t gonna like that!). More importantly, we are in the game of collecting LEADS, warm ones! So ensure, at a very minimum, you create a squeeze page to grab their emails BEFORE they go to the affiliate link!

So, what next?

You’ve hooked your lead, they took the “bait”, and they are in a happy place… provided you gave them value for their email.

People on your list, using this method, are generally open to more information within the niche that you work in.

You need to NURTURE your list, treat them like real people not just a digital email address. Above all DO NOT SELL SELL SELL, to your list.

I am sure a lot of us can say we have frequent emails stuffing our inboxes with repetitive sales hype….JUST DONT DO IT!

Preferably at the outset, you need to be emailing a nice acknowledgement that the person had put a level of trust in you by giving you their email.

From here, you need to be emailing around once a week to your list, but you are continuing to give them VALUE…information, and interesting and helpful facts.

The guideline for the ratio of value to selling is generally 80/20 — that’s 80% VALUE and only 20% selling.

People want to try to get to know you, what you are about, if you are a real person, what your pain points are, how you solved them…are you getting the gist?

A note on email marketing:

Email marketing has a much higher ROI (Return On Investment) than paid ads. Read this article I put out recently:

Older Than The Internet

But Still Attracts The Best Conversion Rates!

And an enhanced method of email marketing method is also covered in this article and is something I would highly recommend you consider. Incidentally, I do offer newsletter creation services if you need a done-for-you service.


To do business online requires at least some level of financial investment. Get yourself a website/blog and a branded email address and consider adding an “autoresponder” (this is an email delivery service that will give you lead capture resources and a method of automating “Thank You” emails and follow-up email sequences).

My recommended startup autoresponder, which is FREE until you gain 2500 subscribers, by which time it will be paying for itself →>GO HERE<<

Create a VALUABLE Lead Magnet (something that will attract leads into your list in a trade for their email).

Nurture your audience, this needs stressing, NURTURE your audience and avoid being a used car salesman. Treat your audience with respect and keep in mind they are already, albeit, tentatively, interested in YOU!

Finally, I hope this has been helpful and if you need any assistance with any of the nuts and bolts to get you underway, feel free to get in touch.



All the best, until next time

Dominus Owen Markham

By Caveman

Entrepreneur, Writer, Online Marketer, Web Developer, Business Coach, , Cafe Lover, Geek - Motto - Carpe Diem

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