
How To Be A Hooker…

The "Sexy Moolah Blueprint" dismisses get-rich-quick schemes, asserting the necessity of a website, branded email, and social media presence to make money online. Focused on generating "buyer intent" traffic, it…

Older Than The Internet

But Still Attracts The Best Conversion Rates! Something older than the internet and still attracting the best conversions and with an almost FREE overhead! The earliest email concept came to…

War Of The Words

Who Will Have The Last Word? In dark remote, non-digitally connected buildings, the wordsmiths gathered. Their community came together purely notified by the passing of handwritten notes. They chose buildings…

on old key over an old book

The Copywriters Toolbox

Wannabe Writer Checklist For sure, most of you will be aware of Copywriting and Copywriters, of which I am one of the latter. Though you probably question what resources Copywriters…

person writing on notebook
close up photo of wooden gavel
gray and black wooden wall