The Struggle of Humanity

So, hey, are you struggling with your humanity status?

I am pretty sure many of you are…that’s if you are in any way like me anyways!

We are living in a World of constant turmoil, lots of uncertainty, lots of misdirection by those controlling on “our behalf”.

We live in a world of confusion and the concern about the advancement of technology.

We live in a world of shortages, increased living costs, wars that never seem to either end or have any particular meaning.

So, what are YOU going to do about it?

Oh, sorry, not your problem eh?

Someone will sort it out and you should just carry on carrying on?


Humans have always evolved based on an ability to pivot to situations, evolving…but clearly, right now, that is not YOUR aim…you just want to “get through it”…hmmmm

Look, I come from a military family background, my grandfather fought in both WW1 and WW2 and showed bravery beyond the call of duty and received “gongs” (medals) for that though I am sure getting medals for his actions was NOT his goal. My father fought for 5 years in Sudan and actually had to “fight” for decades after for any recognition of that…he fought for 5 years and never saw his family…can you feel that?

I served in the Royal Air Force for 7 years, serving in a constant fear of IRA Terrorist attacks, checking our personal accommodation and vehicles on an ongoing process to ensure we were safe…and then…the war in Iraq…plus the Cold war had not fully gone away.



I signed up, much like my father and grandfather, knowing it was the right thing to do in order to protect our families and a way of life we hoped would continue and not be marred by war.

So, now…the struggle is Global, resources seem low, if you believe those in power…so what do we do?

It’s time to be human!

Time to be a human that kicks back, that takes control, that questions authority and has a backbone.

Governments have an agenda, and we are but pawns in that….

Happy with that?

Happy that people controlling your destiny and that of your family and loved ones, are calling all the shots?

I hope, if you are reading this fully, that you are of a similar mind to me…you are looking to take back control for the sake of those that you hold dear.

Voting has become something of a sham…you may kinda lean towards a particular entity but in reality THEIR purpose is not necessarily YOUR purpose…it’s time for change…time to wake up…time to take action.

Look beyond the mainstream media, seek out information that is NOT controlled by those in power and decide…well…decide what route you can and will take.

Humans exist by virtue of their ability to pivot and evolve, not by the constraints of others.

It doesn’t matter what nationality, colour, gender or religion you are…we are all HUMANS…and actually at this point of AI advancement, we need to show and prove who and what we are.

People…please…get a voice, be HUMAN!

Until Next Time

Dominus Owen Markham

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