Author: Caveman

Entrepreneur, Writer, Online Marketer, Web Developer, Business Coach, , Cafe Lover, Geek - Motto - Carpe Diem

Tis The Season

For trees to lay themselves bareSkies to swirl with dirty rain clouds Tis the season For windows to fog as the temperature changesTo see the wild Geese fleeing the scene…

The Bees by M.Koba

The Bees A society unaware of the Giants breathing down on their world. The sugar and the wax, a tiny factory cog powers through their daily tasks. The guards are…

Welcome To My World

A day with much observation, being a scribbler means observation is part of the job, haha Watching people, listening to people is fascinating I have several writing projects on the…

Light Bulb Moments

Working on several projects at once often seems to crowd the mind. Focusing on goals can sometimes be at the detriment of new thinking. Aim for the finish line, by…


A blur of passing thoughts Smears of changing sounds Visions slewing passed Wafting aromas prompting memories A Salvo of tastes The barrage of sounds buffeting Brain in Motion